A second area of financial support is the PAC’s companion the 527. These groups get their name from an Internal Revenue Service’s code which grants tax-exempt status to political groups at all levels of government. 527’s are different from PAC’s because they have no monetary restrictions. Because these non-profit groups are regulated by the IRS and not the FEC (Federal Election Commission) there are no limits on donor contributions or spending. The groups avoid being regulated by the FEC by not advocating the election or defeat of a specific candidate. The groups successfully convey their messages through ads which depict the candidates in either positive or negative ways. A 527 group that gained fame in the recent past were the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. This special interest group strongly opposed Kerry in his campaign for presidency in 2004. The group ran many TV ads that claimed to have the “real story” on Kerry’s military tour.
For more information on 527s check out Public Integrity and Open Secrets.
For more information on PACs check out The Federal Election Commission and Open Secrets
Did you know that? If you are interested in donating to a campaign in Missouri, there is a
one hundred cash limitation and a twenty-five anonymous cash limit! All donations require
proper contact information.